The Importance of Training Consistently

The aerial journey is both exciting and a challenge. It’s such a great feeling when you finally get that skill you’ve been working on, or that rush of adrenaline the higher you climb. However, the the journey isn’t just about those high points, it’s also about… get ready… conditioning! Yes, yes we know how tough conditioning can be but it’s important to stay consistent in not just coming to class but training the body to do what you need it to do in the air.

This consistency can look like a regular practice schedule that allows your body to adapt, strengthen, and improve over time. When you train consistently, your muscles develop the necessary endurance and strength to perform complex moves safely and effectively. Moreover, regular practice helps develop muscle memory, making transitions smoother and movements more fluid.

Creating a Sustainable Training Routine

Remember, everybody and every body is different. A routine that works for one person might not work for you. So first, look at your schedule and allocate time that fits your lifestyle, then reflect on your current fitness level and your limits. As your strength and stamina improve, you can try to find where you can increase the frequency and intensity of your workouts.

A balanced routine include:

1. Warm-ups and Cool-downs: These are essential to prepare your muscles for the intense workout and to prevent injuries.

2. Strength Training: Think about the conditioning exercises we do in class. Our instructors are also here to provide any tips to help you increase strength where you need it.

3. Repetition: Dedicate time to working on one move. This doesn’t have to be a whole sequence, it could be something like practising an invert, a climb, a foot lock—repetitively until they become second nature.

4. Flexibility: Take the time to stretch and actively stretch to help improve your range of motion and reduce the risk of injuries.

Listen to Your Body

We say it all the time and we’ll say it again: listen to your body. We do a lot in aerial and it’s important to let the body rest and recover. Overtraining can lead to injuries and burnout, which can cause setbacks to your progress. Pay attention to those signs of strain or fatigue, and take those rest days seriously.

Stay Motivated

It’s about the journey not the end! Celebrate those victories, like holding a new pose for a few seconds longer or getting further down in your splits. There are various ways you can document your journey like using a journal, or taking videos and pictures then comparing the progress you’ve made.

We’re all about community here and having a supportive group of training friends can help you stay motivated. Every class, whether if you felt you didn’t perform the best or if you nailed the entire session, all contributes to your growth as an aerialist. Embrace the process and be kind to yourself. Showing up and staying consistent shows your dedication to your aerial journey.