6 Aerial Exercises to Practise at Home (Part 2)

Happy 2025! As we kickstart the new year, let’s not forget the importance of conditioning. This step in our aerial training is what helps us get stronger so we can execute our moves in the air.

We’re sharing SIX NEW aerial exercises that you can do from home! These exercises are for any-level. Repeat each exercise until you feel a “burn,” once you do, stop and make note of how many reps you did. As you progress, increase the amount of reps until you feel the “burn” again and continue to adjust as needed. Remember to do both sides!

Now, follow our STUNNING Helen as she breaks down each exercise!

Missed Part 1? No worries, click here: 6 Aerial Exercises to Practise at Home

Active Stretch for Splits

Benefits: This is a great exercise to increase active mobility and range of motion for front splits.

How to do:

  1. Start in a lunge position, keeping your palms on the floor so that your back is in line with your forward leg. Your back leg should be on the balls of your foot with your knee touching the floor.
  2. With your glutes engaged, slowly bring your back knee off of the floor so that your leg is straight WITHOUT lifting your hips. Repeat this move for 30 sec.
  3. Next, grab two yoga blocks (anything sturdy and around the same size can be used if you don’t have yoga blocks). Place the blocks on their widths so that your hands are holding the shorter sides.
  4. Lean back into your lunge position so that your back leg is now 90 degrees with your knee and the top of your back foot are touching the floor. The front leg should be straight with foot flexed so that toes are pointing to the ceiling.
  5. Keeping your back flat, bring your torso down to your front leg (chest to knee). Repeat this move for 30 sec.
  6. Next, shift the blocks so that the longer sides are on the floor. Rock back to straighten both legs while keeping your hands on the blocks (you should be standing and forming a triangle with your legs). Then rock back into the original lunge position (back knee touching the floor!). Continue rocking back and forth for 30 sec.
  7. Now, place the yoga blocks back on their widths so that your hands are holding the shorter sides again.
  8. Stretch as far as you can into your splits (but don’t go all the way down!). Keep the back leg on the balls of your foot and keep the front knee slightly bent.
  9. In the same rocking motion, rock back and forth so that your front leg goes from bent knee to straight, and your back leg goes from knee of the floor to touching the floor. Keep torso upright and shoulders square. Repeat this move for 30 sec.
  10. Lastly, try to stretch down into your splits (stay there for 30-60 sec). Bonus challenge: Remove the yoga blocks if you can!
  11. Do other side.
  12. Repeat the flow on each side 2-3 times.

Hamstring & Glute Strengthening

Benefits: This exercise is  great for strengthening glutes and hamstrings, which will help with active leg moves in aerial shapes.

How to do:

  1. Kneeling on the floor, place a yoga block lengthwise in between the back of your leg so that you’re squeezing the block just below the buttocks and the back of the ankle.
  2. Go into tabletop position. Only the knee of the leg holding the yoga block should be touching the floor, the free leg should have both the knee and foot touching the floor.
  3. Keeping your arms and back straight, bring the leg holding the yoga block up off the floor so that toes are reaching for the ceiling. Then return to tabletop position. (Important: Do not open your hip—keep your hips square, make sure you’re lifting your leg in a straight line off of the floor.)
  4. Next, still squeezing the yoga block with your leg, bring the knee out externally/sideways (away from your body) until it is in line with your hips. Then return to tabletop position.
  5. Repeat on other side.

Scissor Legs

Benefits: An exercise that will help you build the strength needed for straight leg aerial inverts.

How to do:

  1. Start with lying down. Prop your upper body up onto your elbows with forearms and hand flat on the floor.
  2. Bring legs up, keeping your knees straight and your toes pointed toward the ceiling.
  3. With your core engaged and keeping those legs straight (and toes pointed!), open your legs like you’re opening up a pair of scissors then bring them back so that your knees cross over each other.
  4. Repeat the same motion while gradually lowering the legs toward the floor. Continue repeating until your legs are about an inch off of the floor then repeat the same movement while gradually lifting your legs back up to the original position.

Scissor or Hip Key Prep

Benefits: This sequence engages the core and leg muscles to help build strength for scissor or hip key application, as well as straight leg aerial inverts.

How to do:

  1. Similar to the scissor exercise, start with lying on the floor, propped up onto your elbows. Turn to your side so that one leg is crossed over the other 90 degrees (keep them straight!) until the toes of the top leg touch the floor. The bottom leg should be off the floor, squeezing inner thighs. Your shoulders should be squared.
  2. Bring the bottom leg off the floor in a circular move towards your head, lifting your hips off the floor. Keeping your core and legs engaged, follow with the other leg, opening your legs up into a straddle and cross the legs over to the other side so that the toes of the opposite leg are now touching the floor (bottom leg should still be off the floor!).
  3. Repeat the sequence.

Side Plank Dips

Benefits: This exercise strengthens the core, helps with stability and supports lifting your body, builds on any leaning or twisting movements, and increases speed for spins.

How to do:

  1. Start with lying on your side. Prop yourself up with your bottom hand so that your arm is straight under your shoulder and legs are on the floor.
  2. Engage your shoulder—Do not let it sink!
  3. Keeping your core and glutes engaged, bring your hips off of the floor as high as you can then bring them back down to the floor. The movement should be slow and controlled.
  4. Repeat on other side.

Side Plank Leg Lifts

Benefits: This exercise helps with core strength, full body strength and stability, active front split, inner thighs strength and inverts.

How to do:

  1. Similar to the side plank, start with lying on your side. This time, keep your bottom elbow and hand on the floor but engage that shoulder—do not let it sink!
  2. Place your free hand on your hips and lift your hips off of the floor so that your body is in a straight diagonal line.
  3. Bring your bottom leg out in the front, lifting it off the floor, so that you’re forming a 90 degree angle with your leg and torso. Top leg is straight, with the foot on the floor, supporting the position.
  4. Return to starting position and repeat.

Well done! You just finished your at-home aerial workout.

Please note: Train in a safe environment and listen to your body. If something doesn’t feel right then stop and see a medical professional if needed.