Embrace Your Body: Aerial Fitness is for All Shapes and Sizes

Beauty standards can be very narrow and they depend on a lot of factors like culture and society. At Brass Belles, we embrace aerial fitness as a beacon of inclusivity and empowerment. We’re here to break down any misconceptions that aerial fitness is only for specific body types. At its core, aerial is a physical activity that welcomes any shape and size with open arms.

Inclusive Environment

Brass Belles is all about our supportive community. Both our students and instructors are everyday women celebrating their diversity. They dance it out in six inch heels, live life upside down, and continuously challenge themselves on their aerial journey—no matter their body size. Anyone who walks through our studio is encouraged to love themselves and embrace their uniqueness.

Body Positivity and Self-Discovery

Beyond physical exercise, aerial fitness also promotes body awareness and self-confidence. It cultivates mindfulness and a deep connection with your body. You learn to trust your body and appreciate your accomplishments as you overcome hurdles you might not ever have imagined being able to do. This journey of self-discovery is a work in progress which fosters mental and emotional resilience.

Transformational Journey

Aerial fitness is your own journey of personal growth. Challenge yourself to push past your limits and fears, and embrace your BEAUTIFUL BADASS self. Aerial fitness paves the way for a more inclusive fitness culture, where strength is defined by inner potential rather than outside appearances.


The world of aerial fitness welcomes and celebrates any body type. It’s a place where individuals of all shapes and sizes can come together and embrace life upside down. It’s a community that lifts and supports each other. Challenge yourself, build confidence, and embrace your unique journey of self-discovery. Regardless of your shape or size, know that there’s a place for you – where you can soar to new heights and unapologetically BE YOU.